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Montgomery County parents face a common challenge: helping our children navigate the region’s rigorous curriculum, particularly when it comes to math. Even as Montgomery County Public Schools consistently come out on top in national surveys of the top school districts, many kids are falling behind in math.

Shockingly, only one-third of Montgomery County students in grades 3 through 8 meet grade-level expectations in math. Large class size, outdated teaching methods and the lingering effects of the COVID-19 learning lag all contribute to these worrying outcomes.

Fortunately, there is a local solution. Research shows that math enrichment programs consistently help students bridge the gap — improving problem-solving skills, boosting grades and restoring confidence in math.

That’s why Avatar Learning Center has partnered with the Rockville Science Center to provide math enrichment programs for kids in grades 2 through 4.

This blog highlights the benefits of these small group tutoring programs at the Rockville Science Center.

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Source: Business Wire

What is Math Enrichment?

Math enrichment goes beyond traditional classroom learning, providing a comfortable space where young minds can flourish in math. It's a specialized approach designed to deepen your child's understanding of crucial math concepts, filling any gaps in their knowledge.

More than just supplementary education, math enrichment tailors learning experiences to each child's unique needs, making math not just understandable but genuinely engaging. This nurturing environment empowers students to tackle math problems with confidence and persistence, laying the groundwork for future success in advanced STEM fields.

The Benefits of Math Enrichment